Halloween All Year Long
Here is a picture I found in the New York Times online from a slide show of costumes from around the world.
This is of Mara Jade Wisterman, 18 months old, of Tampa, Fla. The NYT doesn't mention this, but Mara has been named after a Star Wars character... from one of the NOVELS. I know this because I read that series about ten years ago, and it wasn't even very good. So those parents held onto this character's name "Mara Jade" for over a decade until they could escape authorities long enough to conceive and spawn. It's not as conspicuous as a hippy name like 'Moonbeam' or 'Yang' but its origin is also not as cute, and Mara Jade must carry this shameful secret as to her parent's fealty to science-fiction for the rest of her days. Actually in ten years or so when people start asking who she was named after, Star Wars geeks might seem as quaint a subculture as hippies do now. Lucky for Mara, her parents erred closer to the 'Leia' and not the 'Greedo' end of the SW spectrum.
"Well, if her parents are such SW freaks, how come she's not dressed as an Ewok?"
For the same reason people don't walk around as Storm Troopers at the Lucas Fourth of July BBQ(which, YES, I have attended): because for LucasArts and little Mara, it's Halloween all year long.
This is of Mara Jade Wisterman, 18 months old, of Tampa, Fla. The NYT doesn't mention this, but Mara has been named after a Star Wars character... from one of the NOVELS. I know this because I read that series about ten years ago, and it wasn't even very good. So those parents held onto this character's name "Mara Jade" for over a decade until they could escape authorities long enough to conceive and spawn. It's not as conspicuous as a hippy name like 'Moonbeam' or 'Yang' but its origin is also not as cute, and Mara Jade must carry this shameful secret as to her parent's fealty to science-fiction for the rest of her days. Actually in ten years or so when people start asking who she was named after, Star Wars geeks might seem as quaint a subculture as hippies do now. Lucky for Mara, her parents erred closer to the 'Leia' and not the 'Greedo' end of the SW spectrum.
"Well, if her parents are such SW freaks, how come she's not dressed as an Ewok?"
For the same reason people don't walk around as Storm Troopers at the Lucas Fourth of July BBQ(which, YES, I have attended): because for LucasArts and little Mara, it's Halloween all year long.