The Levinarian

Though time, space, and social awkwardness have conspired to separate us, let us not be separated!

"Weeping goes unheard; laughter does not" - Benjamin Franklin

Samuel Adams: "Is that crying yon?"

B.F.: "Nay. 'Tis but a backwards guffaw."

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Friday, November 16, 2007

A Polish Joke

A Jewish guy walks up to a healthy food store's deli. He wants six buffalo wings. There are no buffalo wings. Disappointed but undeterred he orders a burrito. As the Polish teenager behind the counter weighs and wraps the burrito, a second Polish teenager whispers something to the first, and they both laugh.
"What's so funny?" the Jewish guy asks.
"Nothing," says the first Polish teenager.
"Something was funny. What was it?" the Jewish guy persists.
"It was a Polish Joke," the Polish teenager says.
"The only Polish jokes I know are insulting to the Polish", the Jewish guy says immediately wondering if this was the smartest thing to say.
The second Polish teenager says he'll tell the joke, and another Polish deli worker comes over to listen.
Suddenly worried as to the content of the joke he's about to hear, the Jewish guy realizes that the Polish teenager cannot say anything too controversial without risk of being fired from this Polish store in this Polish neighborhood.
After a moment, the second Polish teenager begins:

A Russian, a German, and a Pole are outside a cave. The Russian has a knife, the German has a rifle, and the Pole has a flashlight. The Russian goes into the dark cave and hears a voice say, "I'm going to pull your skin off, and then I'm going to eat you!" The Russian gets scared, and runs out. The German goes into the cave, and hears a voice say, "I'm going to pull your skin off, and then I'm going to eat you!" The German drops his rifle and runs out. The Pole goes into the cave and the voice says, "I'm going to pull your skin off, and then I'm going to eat you!" The Pole turns on his flashlight, and sees a monkey holding a banana.

"It's funnier in Polish", the second Polish teenager says.
The Jewish guy takes his burrito and walks away.
On the way to the checkout, the Jewish guy grabs the last container of Chocolate Chunk 'One Smart Cookie's, and a bag of Guiltless Gourmet Baked Chili Lime Chips to go with the mild garden organic salsa he has waiting at home. He already has a bag of Guiltless Gourmet Baked Chili Lime Chips at home, but they've been opened and there might not be enough large chips left with which to eat the salsa. At home, the Jewish guy eats the burrito and cookies, but has yet to open the new bag of Guiltless Gourmet Chips.