The Levinarian

Though time, space, and social awkwardness have conspired to separate us, let us not be separated!

"Weeping goes unheard; laughter does not" - Benjamin Franklin

Samuel Adams: "Is that crying yon?"

B.F.: "Nay. 'Tis but a backwards guffaw."

Location: Brooklyn, NY

Friday, August 18, 2006

Gather Ye Rosebuds!

This beautiful, nice, non-crazy, I'd always assumed to be married, woman turns out to be not... married. Great news, right? WRONG! Because I found out while running into her while she was on a date! With someone who has more sex than anyone else known personally to me(that's awful, I know, but wait there's more)! So much so that I even wonder if he's using some form of hypnosis!
"Oh, but he's such a nice guy..."
Sounds like SOMEBODY'S been hypnotized...
So ply Lady Jaye with questions like "What's your husband do?" and "Are you married?" before she winds up with Dr. Mindbender, Joes, cause you never knows, and that's half the heart-transplant.

This all may sound like I'm jealous which is probably the case. I never even really had a crush on her but that could be because of the married-cloak. So how about this: I hope everyone moves out of Hoboken so they can repopulate the city with their kids! Does that sound like jealousy to you?

I have revisited this post and am for sure not jealous. It's for the weak!


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